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How to join

There are several ways how you can participate in the project. You can rent a part of the garden, come only for a few days to try the tea making or join as a garden keeper or a volunteer.

Renting part of the garden

Do you want to rent a part of the garden? Fantastic! The basic form of rent is one are (100m2) for 3 years for 15,000 CZK. This price is valid only this year as it will increase in the following years. However, we guarantee one possibility to extend the rental for the same price (so the garden can be yours for six years for 30,000 CZK).

You can treat your piece of garden anyway you like - hoe and weed it thoroughly, or let it overgrow, you can let the bushes grow as they like or trim them. Only two basic conditions apply:

  1. ​ You may not dig out or anyhow eliminate the tea trees.

  2.  You may not use any conventional fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc.

Renting one are of the garden is ideal for larger groups of tea lovers (up to 10) who will take care of it together. The minimal recommended number of visits to the garden is twice a year, preferably in May and August - it's enough to take care of your piece of land and properly harvest it, these two months are also the main harvest periods. The yield from one are can then be up to 25 kg of tea.

Visiting the garden

You don't want to rent a piece of garden but you like the project and would like to visit the garden and preferably try a little harvesting and processing of the tea? That's not a problem at all! You don't need to have your are rented in order to visit the garden.

A part of the garden will be shared for those who want to try the tea making only for a while. It is therefore possible to arrive only for a couple of days, harvest the allocated part of the garden, process the tea and take it home. The basic option is to have 100m2 available for 4 days for 2,500 CZK.  Up to four persons can then work on the part of the garden, each extra person woud cost another 500 CZK.

In addition to the garden, we will also provide  facilities, which we are gradually building. You will also be given expert advice and help, and in the future, workshops are to be organized in the garden.

Garden keepers and volunteers

Besides those who are interested mainly in tea making, we will also welcome those who would like to get their hands dirty and help directly at the garden and with the project in general. You can come as a volunteer and help according to your individual abilities and possibilities. But if you really like the idea of the garden, you should consider becoming the garden keeper.

As the garden keeper, you would have be to spend several weeks or even months in the garden, take care of it, welcome guests, show them around and build and expand the facilities. You can come up with a project of your own - for example building a tea hut, setting up geocaches around the garden, etc.

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